

Getting a corporation or organization to right its wrongs after engaging in illegal conduct can be challenging.  However, the law allows people with knowledge of illegal conduct to come forward to hold law breaking corporations (and even the government) accountable.  These are known as “Whistle Blower” cases.


Justice Law’s experience, knowledge, and dedication can guide a “whistle blower” through the complex process of holding corrupt corporations and organizations accountable.  Often times the law protects the identity of the whistle blower and allows for compensation for the whistle blower.  To contact a lawyer or our staff or request more information, please email justice@justiceinjurylawyer.com or call our office at (954)-515-5656.

At Justice Law, our lawyers handle all types of whistle blower cases, including:

  •       Qui Tam: These are cases where a “whistle blower” comes forward with knowledge of a corporation or other organization stealing from or defrauding a governmental entity.
  • SEC:  In these cases, whistle blowers are compensated for providing information on a public corporation’s wrongful or illegal activities.  Often times, this comes from making misrepresentations for the purpose of increasing stock value or defrauding the public.  
  • IRS: The law allows “whistle blowers” to come forward with protection when they have knowledge of illegal tax activities or fraud being perpetuated by a corporation or organizations.
  • Medical Care Fraud:  These are cases where a “whistle blower” comes forward with information that a medical provider(s) is defrauding either private insurance companies or public health care through Medicare or Medicaid.  
If you or someone you know is aware of illegal or fraudulent activity being done by a corporation or other organization, they may be eligible for protection as well as significant compensation for coming forward.  The process is complex and requires the expertise of a top law firm.  Justice Law can help.
Email justice@justiceinjurylawyer.com or call our office at (954)-515-5656. Justice Law is an experienced team of professionals, lawyers, staff, and investigators, looking out for the rights of those who blow the whistle.